Purchasing the auto insurance that is right for you can be confusing, especially for first time buyers. By learning the basics on how to get the most for your money, you can save on your auto insurance and feel confident you have adequate coverage.
Mikel's Insurance Services and our team of agents with leading providers of auto and homeowners insurance can help lead you in the right direction when you purchase your car insurance.
Call today: (855) 758-9649 or receive an instant quote ⇒⇒⇒
"Your Quote Stops Here" unlike other Online rating websites, you do not have to worry about a dozen different agents contacting you because they paid for a lead...
Partial List of Auto Discounts
> Multi-policy Auto & Homeowners
> Good Driver
> Auto Alarm Systems & Lo Jack
> Safety Features
> Profession & Degrees such as:
♦ Teacher
♦ Dentist
♦ Physician
♦ Lawyer
♦ Scientist
Preferred National "A" Rated Insurance Carriers
Travelers Insurance
Safeco Insurance, a Liberty Mutual Company
Direct Online quote go to: www.SafecoAutoInsure.com
The Hartford
MetLife Auto & Home
Foremost Insurance Group
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from TOP "A" rated
companies we offer
in just minutes!
Our experienced agents can assist to make sure the quote you like... has every possible discount
for your specific
coverage needs |